
Monday, September 12, 2011

Tattle Tale

I'm not sure who the culprit is yet, but someone tattled on me. My beloved mixer normally has a severe attitude problem. Every time I think things are going good, it's starts freaking out and clacking metal and puffing powdered sugar all over the place. Plus its left beater no longer locks into place so I have to kind of hold it in there while it spins around, desperately trying to keep my fingers from being creamed along with the sugar. Rude thing.

Then suddenly, for some unknown reason, the beaters locked into place today and only fell out once or twice the whole time I was using it! For real, somebody let it leak that I was searching for a new mixer this weekend. Don't get me wrong, this little guy's had a good run and rescued me from several near-death-sugar-cravings, but despite its best behavior, I'm afraid this Sunbeam stand mixer just isn't meant to test recipe after recipe without any breather in between. Just hang in there a little longer! It's only a few more weeks until my half marathon and then a brand spankin new Kitchenaid!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Molly! I hope you choose yellow! Keep running...the half-marathon is coming right up!
