
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Peanut Butter Overload

Deep down inside, doesn't everyone need a little more peanut butter in their lives? Okay, fine. Maybe not people like Sarah who claim to be allergic to those darling little nuts. But for the rest of us normal people, a jar of that creamy and/or crunchy nutty buttery stuff is always stocked in the pantry. A sometimes dangerous thing, but oh so delicious.

So it's my coworkers birthday this week and she's basically in love with peanut butter and most especially Reese's Pieces. This cake was designed with her tastebuds in mind...we'll find out tomorrow if it truly satisfied her PB-cravings!

[UPDATE: This cake didn't last long around the office, so I think it was a success!]

Peanut Butter Overload
1 c. sugar
1/2 c. butter
1/2 c. peanut butter
4 eggs

1-1/4 c. flour
3 T. potato starch, packed (if you can't find potato starch, you can substitute cornstarch, it just might slightly affect the flavor of the final product)
2 tsp. baking powder
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. salt

1 c. half and half
2 tsp. vanilla extract

Cream together sugar, butter and peanut butter on low speed until pale-ish tan and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, making sure to incorporate well between each addition.

Whisk together dry ingredients in a separate bowl. In another bowl, whisk together liquid ingredients. Alternate adding dry and wet ingredients to creamed mixture, in a total of 5 additions, beginning with dry. After ingredients are combined, beat on low for about 20 seconds.

Line bottom of 9" round baking pan with parchment paper; don't spray sides of pan. Pour batter into pan and bake at 350 for 55-65min. or until done.

The cake was filled and topped with chocolate peanut butter ganache and smothered in cinnamon cream cheese frosting. Garnished with crushed Reese's Pieces. Yummers.


  1. Cinnamon cream cheese and chocolate peanut butter ganache? Sounds like a winning combination! usually credit someone for the recipe. Is this one your own?

  2. Oh, yes, this cake recipe came straight from my very own brain! Just remember, this is a butter cake so it will dry out quickly in the fridge and start to lose flavor, so you'll want to enjoy it in 1-2 days for best results.
